How To Care For A Yorkshire Terrier


Learn how to care for a Yorkshire Terrier in this informative post. From grooming and feeding to training and healthcare, discover essential tips for keeping your furry friend happy and healthy.

So, you’ve just brought home a charming Yorkshire Terrier, and now you’re wondering how to ensure their well-being and happiness. Providing the right care for your new furry friend is crucial to their overall health and development. From grooming tips to dietary needs, this article will guide you through the essential steps and give you valuable insights on how to care for your Yorkshire Terrier and create a loving and nurturing environment for them.



Regular brushing is essential for keeping your Yorkshire Terrier’s coat looking its best. Their long, silky hair is prone to tangling and matting, so it’s important to brush them daily to prevent any discomfort or skin issues. Use a soft-bristle brush or a comb specifically designed for Yorkies to gently remove tangles and keep their coat smooth and shiny. Remember to be gentle and patient, as their hair can be quite delicate.


While Yorkshire Terriers don’t require frequent baths like some other breeds, it’s important to keep them clean and smelling fresh. Aim to bathe your Yorkie every three to four weeks, or as needed if they get particularly dirty. Use a gentle, tear-free shampoo specifically formulated for dogs, and be careful not to get water in their ears. After the bath, make sure to thoroughly dry their coat to avoid any skin irritation.

Nail Care

Trimming your Yorkshire Terrier’s nails is an important aspect of their grooming routine. Long nails can cause discomfort and even lead to injuries or infections. Use a specialized dog nail clipper to carefully trim the tips of their nails, being cautious not to cut too close to the quick. If you’re unsure about how to properly trim their nails, consult a professional groomer or your veterinarian for guidance. Regular nail trims every few weeks will help keep your Yorkie’s feet healthy and comfortable.


Choosing the Right Food

Proper nutrition is crucial for the overall health and well-being of your Yorkshire Terrier. When choosing a dog food for your Yorkie, opt for a high-quality brand that is specifically formulated for small breeds. Look for options that contain a good balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates, and avoid foods with excessive fillers and artificial additives. Consulting with your veterinarian can help you determine the best diet for your Yorkie’s specific needs.

Meal Frequency

Yorkshire Terriers have small stomachs and high metabolisms, so they benefit from eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. Aim to feed your Yorkie two to three small meals to keep their energy levels stable and prevent them from becoming overly hungry or hypoglycemic. Dividing their daily food portion into multiple meals will also help prevent digestive issues and maintain a healthy weight.

Portion Control

It’s crucial to monitor your Yorkie’s food portions to prevent overfeeding and obesity. Follow the feeding guidelines provided on the dog food packaging, adjusting the portion sizes based on your Yorkie’s age, weight, and activity level. Keep in mind that treats should be given in moderation and accounted for in their daily caloric intake. Regularly check your Yorkie’s body condition score and consult with your veterinarian to ensure they’re maintaining a healthy weight.


Daily Walks

Yorkshire Terriers may be small in size, but they still require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Take your Yorkie for daily walks to provide them with mental stimulation, physical exercise, and an opportunity to explore their surroundings. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes of brisk walking each day, but adjust the intensity and duration based on your dog’s age, fitness level, and overall health.


In addition to walks, engaging in playtime activities is important for your Yorkie’s physical and mental well-being. Provide them with interactive toys, such as squeaky toys or puzzle toys that challenge their problem-solving skills. Engage in games of fetch or gentle tug-of-war, and make sure to set aside dedicated playtime each day to bond with your furry friend.

Indoor Activities

Even when outdoor exercise is limited, there are still plenty of indoor activities to keep your Yorkie active and entertained. Set up a small obstacle course using pillows and tunnels for them to navigate through, or engage in training sessions to stimulate their mind and strengthen their bond with you. Consider using a treadmill designed for dogs if weather conditions or accessibility prevent outdoor walks.


Obedience Training

Proper obedience training is essential for a well-behaved Yorkshire Terrier. Start with basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and down, and gradually progress to more advanced training. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats, praise, and rewards, work best with Yorkies, as they respond well to motivation and encouragement. Consistency, patience, and repetition are key when training your Yorkie, and enrolling in a puppy training class can provide valuable guidance and socialization opportunities.


Housebreaking your Yorkshire Terrier is a crucial part of their training process. Establish a regular routine for bathroom breaks, and take them outside to the designated spot after meals, naps, and playtime. Use positive reinforcement when they eliminate in the correct area and be patient, as accidents are bound to happen during the training phase. With consistency and praise, your Yorkie will learn to associate the outdoors with bathroom breaks and become reliably house-trained.


Proper socialization is vital for a well-adjusted and confident Yorkshire Terrier. Introduce your pup to a variety of people, animals, and environments from an early age. Arrange playdates with other friendly dogs, take them on car rides, and expose them to different sights, sounds, and smells. Socialization helps prevent fear, anxiety, and aggression issues, ensuring your Yorkie is comfortable in various situations and interacts positively with others.


Regular Vet Check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for maintaining your Yorkshire Terrier’s overall health and catching any potential issues early on. Schedule annual wellness exams, which include thorough physical examinations, vaccinations, and discussions about any concerns or changes in your dog’s behavior. Your veterinarian will also check for common Yorkie health problems, such as dental issues, luxating patella, or eye problems, and provide appropriate preventive care.


Keeping your Yorkshire Terrier up to date on vaccinations is crucial for protecting them against various diseases. Follow the vaccination schedule recommended by your veterinarian, which typically includes core vaccines such as rabies, distemper, and parvovirus. Vaccinations help prevent potentially life-threatening illnesses and ensure your Yorkie leads a long and healthy life.

Dental Care

Yorkshire Terriers are prone to dental problems, so maintaining their oral hygiene is of utmost importance. Brush your Yorkie’s teeth regularly using a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste, or provide dental chews and treats that help remove plaque and tartar buildup. Regular professional dental cleanings may also be necessary to address any more severe dental issues. Pay attention to signs of dental discomfort, such as bad breath, swollen gums, or difficulty eating, and consult your veterinarian for appropriate dental care recommendations.

Disease Prevention

Flea and Tick Control

Preventing fleas and ticks is crucial for your Yorkshire Terrier’s health and comfort. Use veterinarian-recommended flea and tick control products to protect your dog from infestations and the potential diseases they carry. Regularly check your Yorkie’s coat for signs of fleas or ticks, particularly during warmer months or if they’ve been exposed to outdoor areas where parasites are prevalent. Consult your veterinarian for the most suitable preventive measures for your Yorkie’s specific needs.

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially deadly condition that can affect dogs, including Yorkshire Terriers. Administering monthly heartworm preventive medication, as recommended by your veterinarian, will protect your Yorkie from heartworm infection. Regular testing and preventive measures are essential to safeguard your dog’s heart health and prevent this life-threatening disease.

Parasite Control

In addition to fleas, ticks, and heartworms, Yorkies can be susceptible to other parasites such as intestinal worms. Regularly deworm your Yorkshire Terrier as advised by your veterinarian, even if you don’t see any visible signs of parasites. Maintaining a strict parasite control program helps safeguard your Yorkie’s gastrointestinal health and overall well-being.

Safety and Environment

Securing the Home

Creating a safe and secure environment is crucial for your Yorkshire Terrier’s well-being. Ensure your home is free from potential hazards by securely gating areas with stairs, blocking access to toxic plants or substances, and keeping small objects or choking hazards out of reach. Secure electrical cords, cover open outlets, and use pet-friendly cleaning products to avoid any accidental poisoning. Regularly inspect your home for potential dangers and make adjustments as needed to provide a safe space for your Yorkie to thrive.

Toxic Substances

Yorkshire Terriers, like any other dog, should be kept away from toxic substances that can harm them. Common household items such as certain foods (chocolate, onions, grapes), medications (over-the-counter and prescription), cleaning products, and houseplants can be toxic to dogs. Keep these items safely stored out of your Yorkie’s reach to avoid accidental ingestion and potential health emergencies. Familiarize yourself with a list of toxic substances and consult your veterinarian if you suspect your Yorkie has ingested something harmful.

Temperature Control

Yorkshire Terriers are sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it’s important to keep them comfortable and safe. During hot weather, provide your Yorkie with access to shade, fresh water, and air conditioning if possible. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or leaving your dog in a hot car, as they can quickly overheat. In colder weather, provide warm bedding, sweaters or jackets, and consider using heating pads for additional warmth. Monitor your Yorkie closely for signs of heatstroke or hypothermia, and consult your veterinarian for specific temperature guidelines suitable for your dog.


Interaction with People

Yorkshire Terriers are typically social and enjoy interacting with their human family members. Spend quality time with your Yorkie, offering plenty of affection, praise, and attention. Allow them to interact with a variety of people, including children, to ensure they become comfortable with different personalities and behaviors. This will help prevent shyness or fear-based behaviors in various social situations.

Meeting Other Dogs

Proper socialization with other dogs is crucial for a well-rounded Yorkshire Terrier. Arrange playdates with other friendly dogs, enroll your Yorkie in supervised doggy daycare, or join dog-friendly socialization classes. These experiences expose your Yorkie to different play styles, temperaments, and energy levels, teaching them appropriate canine social skills and promoting good behavior around other dogs.

Behavior with Children

Yorkshire Terriers can be great family dogs, but it’s important to teach them how to interact appropriately with children. Supervise all interactions between your Yorkie and children, ensuring that both parties are gentle and respectful. Educate children about handling a small dog, including the importance of not pulling on their ears or tail and being mindful of their small size. Supervised play sessions and positive reinforcements help foster a harmonious relationship between your Yorkie and the children in your household.

Traveling with Your Yorkshire Terrier

Car Safety

When traveling by car with your Yorkshire Terrier, their safety should be a top priority. Secure your Yorkie with a properly fitted harness or a travel crate that is specifically designed for dogs. Place the crate or harness in the backseat of your car, away from any airbags, and ensure that your Yorkie is comfortable and secure for the duration of the journey. Never leave your Yorkie alone in a parked car, as temperatures can rise dangerously high or drop to unsafe levels.

Air Travel

If you plan to travel by air with your Yorkshire Terrier, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the airline’s specific rules and regulations regarding pet travel. Contact the airline well in advance to inquire about pet travel policies, crate requirements, and any necessary documentation. Ensure your Yorkie’s crate is well-ventilated, secure, and labeled with your contact information. Use direct flights whenever possible to minimize travel time and stress for your Yorkie.


When staying in accommodations with your Yorkshire Terrier, it’s important to choose pet-friendly options that cater to their specific needs. Research and book accommodations in advance to ensure they allow pets and have appropriate facilities. Bring your Yorkie’s own bedding, crate, food, and water bowls to provide a familiar environment. Be mindful of your Yorkie’s behavior and adhere to any specific rules or regulations regarding pets in the accommodation to maintain a positive experience for both your dog and the establishment.

Maintaining Mental Stimulation

Puzzle Toys

Yorkshire Terriers are intelligent dogs and need mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. Invest in puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys that challenge their problem-solving abilities. These toys keep your Yorkie engaged for hours, mentally stimulating them and preventing excessive energy buildup. Rotate the toys regularly to maintain their novelty and keep your Yorkie’s mind sharp.

Training Games

Engaging in training games is an excellent way to keep your Yorkshire Terrier mentally stimulated. Teach them new tricks or revisit and reinforce commands they’ve already learned. Use positive reinforcement techniques, rewards, and praise to keep them motivated and eager to learn. Training games not only provide mental stimulation but also strengthen the bond and communication between you and your Yorkie.

Engaging with the Environment

Taking your Yorkshire Terrier for walks and providing exposure to different environments is an effective way to maintain their mental stimulation. Allow them to explore new scents, sounds, and sights during your walks. Encourage them to interact with their surroundings, sniffing and investigating their environment. Engaging with the world around them keeps your Yorkie’s mind active and helps prevent boredom and behavioral issues.

Caring for a Yorkshire Terrier involves various aspects, from grooming and feeding to exercise and healthcare. By following these guidelines and providing your Yorkie with love, attention, and proper care, you can ensure they live a happy, healthy life by your side. Remember that every dog is unique, so always consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice and recommendations for your beloved Yorkshire Terrier. Happy caring!