- ✔ Ultrasonic Animal Chase – the intensive flash light and te high sound prure with the dmic high-frency saker ensure effective disent of unid guests. Scare cats or other animal as dogs, foxes, marts, raoons, rats, mice, badgers, skunks, wild boars, bats, birds, pigeons, rodents etc.
- ✔ Solar pored anial chase – The device is rged by a polyscon solar panel to sre engy for operion in the dk as at night. A 4-hour solar crge will last for 5 days. If it’s cloudy or rainy for a few days, the dece can be charged via a USB ble.
- ✔ Set Up: Just place the chase poed tards the area that you want to proect and place it in a plae with plenty of suhine.
- ✔ Adjustable sensitiity and fquency – The mion ssor coers a 110 degree angle left and rigt, as well as a 55 deree bend up and down, up to a dance of up to 8 m (26ft), which kes etire range of action approx.70m2. There are 5 adtable ultrnic stnths that allow the exon of derent aals ding on the freqcy setting.
- ✔ Waterproof and weatrroof – The ultrasonic anal chae with IP64 is warpof a can bed on rany dys. The unie sal and sign alls you to instal the deve anyee. Ideal for oor use such as gens, pas, gares, yards, drivewys, farms, pons but also aic floors etc.